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Home Business Media Kits

To make an informed decision order a home business media kit today.

Media Kits Contain:
CD for complete business presentation and brochure for written information.

Mobile Advertising Business Identity Theft & Legal Services Business
Why choose this Media Kit?
You have the opportunity to be at the front end of an business set to explode.
Where were you when Google and Yahoo launched and needed sales professionals? More importantly, where would you be now if had joined their team?
Timing is everything and this may be your time!
This offer is a revolutionary opt-in SMS (text message) marketing system that defines how advertising is going to be done for years to come. Be part of something Huge and be on the ground floor of a service that sells itself. Get started right away and start making a six or seven figure income selling a unique service that has virtually no competition
 $6 includes shipping
Why choose this Media Kit?    

Offering two Powerhouse Services Legal Memberships and the Identity Theft Shield.

We are a very litigious society--If you don't know what your Legal Rights are - You don't have any. 
Identity Theft is on the rise and protecting your own Identity is smart planning.  Both of these products are one of the fastest growing employee benefits and this Company is traded on the NYSE!
$6 includes shipping
Click above to buy the Mobile Advertising Media Kit
Click above to buy the Identity Theft and Legal Services Media Kit
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Order one of the media kits or both to get the info you need to make an informed decision on these hot Home-Based Business Opportunities
Media Kits contain:
CD for complete business presentation.
Brochures for written Company information